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FJT-280: Talmudic Studies II - Dinei Torah
Course Materials
Start Here.... (8:34)
Course Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Dinei Torah
Module 2: Poskening in Cases of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Module 3: Poskening in Cases of Marital Conflict
Module 4: Poskening in Cases of a 'Dead Marriage'
Module 5: Halakhic Divorce
Module 6: Types of Bittul Kiddushin
Module 7: Case Studies in Bittul Kiddushin
Module 8: Husbandly Duties
Module 9: Sexual Sins within Marriage
Module 10: Spousal Abuse
Module 11: Competing Views on "Withholding Medical Treatment from Children"
Module 12: Poskening Child Custody Cases
Post-Course Survey
Course Evaluation
Module 6: Types of Bittul Kiddushin
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