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ARAM-101: Biblical Aramaic
Course Materials
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Course Modules
Module 1: Phonological System (1:43)
Lesson 1: Alphabet (15:11)
Lesson 2: Vowels (21:11)
Lesson 3: Syllabification (30:15)
Module 2: Nouns
Lesson 4: Nouns in Absolute State (23:03)
Lesson 5: Nouns in Determined State (13:43)
Lesson 6: Nouns in Construct State (20:36)
Module 3: Conjunctions, Prepositions, & Pronouns
Lesson 7: Conjunctions & Prepositions (16:40)
Lesson 8: Pronominal Suffixes (16:49)
Lesson 9: Pronouns (22:48)
Module 4: Noun Modifiers
Lesson 10: Adjectives & Numbers (13:31)
Lesson 11: Adverbs & Particles (10:37)
Module 5: Peal Verbs A
Lesson 12: Introduction to Aramaic Verbs (13:35)
Lesson 13: Peal Perfect (29:21)
Lesson 14: Peal Imperfect (27:36)
Module 6: Midpoint Assessment
Module 7: Peal Verbs B
Lesson 15: Peal Imperative (11:07)
Lesson 16: Peal Infinitive Construct (17:48)
Lesson 17: Peal Participle (28:20)
Module 8: Derived Stems A
Lesson 18: Peil, Hithpeel, and Ithpeel (21:21)
Lesson 19: Pael System (19:00)
Module 9: Derived Stems B
Lesson 20: Hithpaal & Ithpaal (11:59)
Lesson 21: Haphel (15:03)
Lesson 22: Aphel, Shaphel, & Hophal (15:41)
Module 10: Aramaic Translations
Module 11: Ezra Translations
Module 12: Daniel Translations
Post-Course Survey
Course Evaluation
Lesson 7: Conjunctions & Prepositions
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